Climate change - food security in South Africa
South Africa: In this post I am going to assess how climate change might affect food and water in South Africa. This may seem like a strange case study location to choose as relative to other African countries, South Africa is often perceived as one that is considered “a food secure nation” ( Masipa, 2017 : 4 ). However, within Hendricks (2005) study he calculates that between 58 to 73% of households have experienced food insecurity across South Africa despite its assumed ‘food secure’ status. Further urgency has also recently been added towards assessing the potential effects of global warming on food security in South Africa by “the worst drought” it has ever experienced “in living memory” and water shortages that have persisted in South Africa from 2015, up until today. Watch the following video to understand the magnitude of this drought problem in South Africa – this is what inspired me to choose South Afri...