Reflecting upon it all
In this blog I set out to explore food and water in Africa. My first post on Natural endowment allowed me to entertain my passion for physical geography by explaining how both the ITCZ and geology in Africa play a hugely important role in manipulating the frequency, distribution and storage of water. But, my goal was not to just deliver factually accurate information about food and water in Africa, but rather to draw insightful conclusions that can create a measurable impact on you, the reader. To do this, I felt that there was not a more globally pressing issue than that of climate change. This led me into exploring the potential impacts of climate change on food and water in Africa if nothing were to be done. This post demonstrated the ways that climate change may impact rainfall events across Africa (Figure 12) and therefore food production patterns going forward. A key finding in this post was that climate change is expected to lead to an increase in extreme precipitati...